Reinstalling Pedigree Publisher
This page only covers reinstalling Pedigree Publisher. If you are reinstalling Pedigree Explorer go here.
Follow these steps to move Pedigree Publisher from one computer to another computer:
- If you have a copy of the original installer you downloaded, copy it to your new computer and run it. Note: you are allowed to run PedPub on up to three computers that you or your family are the main users of.
- If you didn't keep your original installer then download the latest installer by going to, enter your reg #, click Login. If it says "Succesful login" then click the "Proceed to download page" button, then the "Download Pedigree Publisher" button. After its downloaded run the installer.
- If you were not able to login and it was because your support expired then you can purchase another year of support and free downloads for US$20.
- After installing PedPub you should move your database file(s). The files end in .db and are usually located in the "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Breedmate" folder. You should copy any files to a USB flash drive, unplug it and plug it into the new computer and copy the files to the "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Breedmate" folder on that computer.
- If you are unsure where your files are, if you run PedPub on your old computer you will see the full location of both the database and form file listed at the bottom of the application window in the status bar.
- Start PedPub then use "FILE-Open Database" to open the database file in its new location.
If you have customised any forms then you may also want to move them. It is also suggested that you rename them to avoid them being overwritten if you subsequently upgrade. Form files end in .fox and are located in the "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Breedmate\Forms" folder