Merge Manager

This is a great feature for line chasers and databases maintainers. It essentially shows the differences between your current database and another selected database and provides an interactive ability to merge selected (or all) records or copy/edit data in either database.

To use it, select Merge View from the View menu then click on Open File To Merge and select another databases to compare to your currently open database. The view clearly shows the differences between the two databases in terms of what records are completely new in the selected database and what records differ only in certain fields.

Records from your current file are in plain white with light grey text, while records from the merge file are colored in light red with black text.

New records have a red color in the first column, i.e. the record exist in the merge file but not in your current file.
Changed records have a green color in the first column. The actual fields which are different are also marked in green.

 Check out the screen snapshot below: